The Life of an Aspiring Teenage Writer Headline Animator

The Life of an Aspiring Teenage Writer

Cookie Cutters: 3rd Song

Cookie Cutters

We're not all cookie cutters
We don't fit into the same mold
Different shapes, different sizes
Living life, destinies unguided
Meeting in the middle on common ground
All of us, filled with love, different sounds
Looking for birds that hum the same tune
Harmonize with people just like you

We all get put into a box
Wherever they think we belong
According to the stereotypes
This is where you go, where you should belong
Like things we're thrown in a box
We're people, we don't always belong
Dust us off, pick us up, put us into a box
Old toys, trains for little boys, pet rocks
They all go in the same old brown box

If we all looked the same
How could you tell us apart
Let's love instead of hate
Shine in the light instead of sitting in the dark
Meeting in the middle on common ground
Let me lift you up when you're feeling down
Looking for birds that hum the same tune
Raise our flag, red, white, and blue


I don't love life
I ain't happy all the time
But I got a new lease
A renewal of my dreams
I'm misguided, can be close minded, I'm reaching towards it
Happiness, I will find it


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