The Life of an Aspiring Teenage Writer Headline Animator

The Life of an Aspiring Teenage Writer

Thursday, November 18, 2010


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got all a's and a b in math. My parents don't mind because they know I worked my ass of to get the 87 in math. It's ironic I got a 99 in science, my worst subject, and an 87 in math my best subject. But it is honors geometry and it moves really fast, I just did well on a chapter test today, so I can still get an A average for the year. I am happy today. :) Excited to watch grey's anatomy tonight. Ate a soy yogurt today and I felt like I was going to faint, apparently soy yogurt has milk in it, go figure. Struggling to live without milk, and american cheese. Can still eat parmesan, montrey jack, and cheddar. I hope I am not totally lactose intolerant because if I am I can't eat cookies, cake, pie, icing, anything with milk in it, unless I take an enxyme. That would also mean no chocolate. :(   Adios.....

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