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I got my prileges for the computer and tv revoke yesterday because I was acting like a bitch. Now I have them back. I just took a three hour lactose test today and I am lactose intolerant, and by my guess it is probably bad. I will keep you updated. Unstoppable stars Denzel Washington and Chris Pine. It is about someone who gets out of his train to change the switch to the tracks and thinks he turned off the power, but he forgot. So, this train is building speed with no one in it, headed for Stanton, Philadelphia, a highly populated city. There is a curve on the tracks that if you go more than fifteen miles per hour you will drive right off of! They try to stop the train by going in reverse to slow it down. The action was really good as well as the music and dialogue. Denzel Washington actually did the stunts on top of the seventy mile per hour going train, he didn't use a stunt double. I really liked this movie and I recommend it to guys and girls. It was five out of five stars in my book!
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