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today sucked and was amazing at the same time, yesterday was so funny I have to tell you this story. My friend Melanie and I went to the Cherry Hill Mall and shopped at Forever 21. My Dad dropped us off and said he would pick us up in a couple of hours at 3:30. We went to the food court, and got frozen yogurt after we went shopping and we wound up being like 15 minutes late. We went out and saw my Dad's car but no one was in it. We sat on the outside tables of the California Pizza Kitchen waiting for him to return. We checked Macy's and he wasn't inside. A waiter came out of the restaurant and we thought for sure he would kick us out and make us wait in the pouring rain. Instead to our surprise he asked "Are you waiting for a ride. You can wait inside if you want." We gratefully waited inside and I called my mom frantically on my Dad's phone. The only reason I had his phone was because I had misplaced mine. So he couldn't call us. Finally at 4:10 I get a call from an unknown number and answer it. It is my Dad calling from the Pizza Kitchen, he was in the front while we were waiting in the back. He said he had been waiting inside Macy's since 3:25 and he went to the bathroom once at 3:45 exactly when we came out. It was so funny and freaky at the same time.
Check out
and also check out
they are both HYSTERICAL!!!!
Not to be rude or anything, but don't you think your getting a little personal about your middle school life and putting it out in the the open on the internet?